Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Bacchus Raspberry Beer

Greetings beer lovers! This is my first post and now I realise I have a lot of catching up to do - my silence has been broken so this train is filled up with coal and ready to leave the station. Buckle up!

So here we go, Bacchus is a Lambic beer (though not an entirely traditional one) made in Belgium by Van Honsebrouch brewing company, and for those of you who don't know what Lambic beer is, I've done the research for you: basically Lambic beers hail from some region Belgium and it is just a different type of beer which is left in open vats with wild yeast. Then, in the case of Bacchus at least, it is fermented with fruit.

On to the beer itself - perhaps the best thing I can say about raspberry beer is that it is presented wonderfully, almost like a miniature bottle of wine, all wrapped in fancy looking paper which makes it all feel super classy. So the taste: well it's those first few sips that sell the beer to you and the first thing you notice is that it's somewhat refreshing to begin with but when you wash that away you're hit with a very dry taste with only the slightest hint of raspberry and once you've exceeded 4 or 5 big sips, the illusion of the delightful berry red colour of the beer diminishes with haste.

Overall this isn't what I would call a great beer, maybe a good one or an okay one considering it's a fruity beer, but it's not something that is going to take the edge off after a long day when you crack open a cold one and lie on the couch and in the end isn't that what we all really want?

With all that in mind I'm giving Bacchus Raspberry Beer our first 3/10


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